
How For Achieve A Wide And Sustainable Success

Decent Essays

How to Achieve a Wide and Sustainable Success
By: Inbar Granat
Chosen Audience: Managing Director of an established family business

Cass Business School
Student ID: 130013311

Liberty House Flat 17, 218 Saint John Street, London, UK, EC1V 4AT
Word count: 1,520
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Dear Managing Director,
As a Managing Director of a mid-size business, it is important to know that there is more to success than profit. Business success also includes the message conveyed and the impact of the business on its customers, employees, society, the community and the environment, as well as the relationships that are formed because of the business. Additionally, it is important to …show more content…

First and foremost, you must have a clear purpose for the business and it cannot be “to make money”, it must be deeper than that. Think about why you created the business in the first place, what did you intend to achieve with is, and what message did you want to send the customers and the society. Write down your core purpose in clear and concise manner. This affects all of your actions as you will consider if the purpose is being achieved and the message is being transmitted in everything you do.
After having a clear purpose, you must reflect upon the impact and relationships your business creates for various stakeholders:
1. Your business and your employees
Your employees should be satisfied with their job, to allow them to be motivated. Motivated and happy employees create a better atmosphere in the workplace and increase the satisfaction of customers and therefore sales. Hence, it is important to ensure that the employees are satisfied with their jobs. In order to do so, you could arrange weekly or monthly meetings with the employees to listen to their thoughts and feelings, which will allow you to adjust the employment and workplace conditions accordingly.
Additionally, your employees should believe in the purpose of your business. They should understand not just what their jobs are or how things work in the business, but WHY the business does what it does.

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