
How Far Did The British Influence Analysis

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British has influenced the structure of the United States dramatically. Even from the simple preference for coffee over tea to having a President over a Monarch. The United States and Britain share a love-hate relationship that has extended over the years and has been strengthened by the common enemies and alliance. However, when America set out on the journey to becoming a nation of their own they decided that Great Britain was no role model. America refused to follow the monarchy Britain established and their nation must be by the people for the people. America had multiple ideas of how their nation should be, but their fear consumed them. The stumbled but eventually produced the Constitution that demonstrated all the hate from British experience and their attempt to not reproduce it. …show more content…

The colonies were outraged of the control Great Britain had over them and they could no longer be left unheard. They despised the high taxes and the British army invading their homes. The British monarch government was one of the main reasons for the Article of Confederation. The Articles gave the states the power rather than having a central government. The founding fathers wanted no central government to rule and obtained too much power over the states. The states wanted to be independent of each other to prevent the taxation Britain had imposed. Each state applied their own taxes and laws. Their fear was so extreme it even created a stumble know as the civil war where the south refused the idea of a central government. The states wanted to prevent a central government. They also wanted to escape the mixture of government and church. Great Britain imposed religion on the people which the colonies decided was not a part they wanted to included. The colonies wanted a freedom of religion so it was placed as an amendment to have freedom of

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