
How Effectively And Appropriately Am I Performing

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How Effectively/Appropriately Am I Performing this/these Genre-Attempt(s): Have taken detailed peer review notes; make your peer-reviewer(s) go into troubleshooting detail on workshop days: Insist that they look for problems or flaws. Deal with more than sentence-level issues (grammar, punctuation, etc.), but do mention those if that’s an issue. Then, go beyond what the peer-reviewer(s) might have said. Write also a self-assessment. While I usually discourage writing a 5-paragraph essay, that might not be a bad strategy for completing this—and the previous—section. Whatever you mention, don’t be vague or general. Show that you’re working on providing a clearer context, using more businesslike diction, adhering to the conventions of …show more content…

After that we took a look at what our reviewers wrote for us. In their review of our PowerPoint, one thing they stated was, “The only thing that we would change is the font. It seems to be very close together and difficult to read.” We took these two suggestions into consideration, and decided it would be best to follow their advice and change up the font and spacing. We changed the font sizes of both the titles and subtitles to fit best for the specific slide. Each slide now has different font sizes and formatting to make it most appealing for specific slide that it is on, and it made our presentation easier to follow. Another suggestion that we received was “The bullet points are not consistent throughout the PowerPoint”. This was a silly mistake that would have been foolish to leave in a presentation addressing a professional audience. After looking at what our reviewers were referencing, we noticed that the bullets changed shape as the presentation progressed. This made the presentation inconsistent and we decided that it had to be changed. Changing the presentation to make the bullets consistent made our presentation appear much more professional. The final suggestion that we received on the Powerpoint from the peer review pertained to the titles of the slides. They pointed out a couple problems with our titles stating “It is not necessary to capitalize words like “the” or “of”.” After looking over the

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