
How Does Wendell Phillips Use Of Parallelism

Decent Essays

Wendell Phillips’s admiration of a great leader, Toussaint-Louverutre, was able to decide the fate of a once divided country, to unite the people of the North and allow them to be successful in the Civil War. Wendell Phillips reveals his admiration for the Haitian Slave rebellion leader, Toussaint-Louverture, by his use of comparisons and parallelism in a speech given near the beginning of the Civil War in the United States. Phillips uses comparisons throughout this passage of other world leaders and powers to reveal his thoughts of Toussaint-Louverture. Phillips says how Toussaint “forged a thunderbolt and hurled it” at the Spaniards, the French, and the English. By saying this, Phillips is able to make the comparison of Louverture to a …show more content…

Phillips says how he would “call him Cromwell, but Cromwell was only a soldier… I would call him Washington, but the great Virginian held slaves” Wendell’s use of parallelism emphasizes the great things that Washington and Cromwell had done, but contrasts him by stating their flaws. By doing this, Wendell creates the image that Toussaint was exactly like these people but greater in the fact that he didn’t hold slaves and was more than a soldier. By doing this, Phillips makes the audience believe that Louverture was greater than their own founder of the United States. This allows the audience to appreciate how great of a person Toussaint-Louverture was and that being a former slave, like the African Americans in the North, they should let the African Americans fight in the war because they might have a greater success than without them. When Phillips says “[Toussaint] forged a thunderbolt…at the proudest blood in Europe, the Spaniard…at the most warlike blood in Europe,the French…at the pluckiest blood in Europe, the English” By applying parallelism into this passage he is able to show how he was able to overcome the threats from these countries and eventually beat them. It also emphasizes each of his achievements by separating them in shorter sentences. By doing this the Northerners are able to recognize a former slave’s achievements to make them believe that allowing the African Americans will allow the North’s army to be victorious in the

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