
How Does Uncle Tom's Butterfly Affect Society?

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Whenever people talk about time travel, they usually talk about the Butterfly effect. In essence, it is that if somebody does something so small as step on a butterfly in the past, it can lead to a course of events that change history. Naturally, it seems foolish to believe that something so small can have such a huge impact, but the world is built on many minute actions or inactions. For example, the publication of Harriet Beecher Stowe’s Uncle Tom’s Cabin, a novel published in pieces in a little known magazine seemed small at the time, but its effects rippled out, affecting the entire world, and even reaching into our lives. Uncle Tom’s Cabin and its affect on the everyday lives of people moved a nation, moved many nations towards a different view on the South and our relationship with race.
There is a popular myth that Stowe, when invited to meet President Lincoln at the …show more content…

No, she had an idea in mind when she wrote Uncle Tom. She would not target men. Instead, she looked to other women. During the 1850s, there was a movement called the Cult Of True Womanhood. Women were supposed to follow a particular set of virtues, which included piety, grace, submissiveness and chastity. Women were born to be mothers, to work within the domestic sphere and to raise good Christian children for their husbands. Despite the obvious limitations, women had a great deal of power in the house. Stowe includes a lot of women, specifically mothers, in her novel for a reason. It was so women would empathize with the people in the story and they would speak to their husband, or instill in their children, these ideas about slavery and what it meant. By using the traits of True Womanhood, Stowe was not breaking any of the beliefs in the movement, and was able to bring the problem of slavery into the homefront. People who had never thought about slavery suddenly had it brought into their homes, into their living rooms. Which made it more difficult to

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