
How Does The Giver Show Courage

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The Giver by Lois Lowry is a science fiction novel about a boy named Jonas. He lives in a society where Sameness is valued. Due to the Sameness, the citizens are assigned their jobs. Jonas is chosen as the Receiver; therefore, he holds memories he received from the Giver and advises the community on occasion. Jonas realizes how terrible his community is after receiving memories. As Jonas leaves the community, he learns being true to oneself takes great courage, knowledge is useless without memories, and love conquers all. In The Giver, readers notice being true to oneself takes great courage. In Jonas’s community, the government tries to control the citizen’s feelings by giving them pills. Consequently, Jonas wants to have feelings so he decides “to throw the pills away” …show more content…

Jonas knows he can get in big trouble for doing this but he believes it’s best for him. Soon after, Jonas decides to run away in the middle of the night after realizing nobody in his community feels love. By doing so, Jonas broke three rules by escaping “ enough that if he were caught now, he will be condemned” (Lowry 207). Jonas felt as if he was giving himself a death wish and for him to keep going he had to have courage. Jonas courage strengthens him through his journey.In brief, it takes Jonas great courage to be true to himself. Furthermore, Readers learn in The Giver that knowledge is useless without memories. For example, when Jonas receives the memory of the rainbow he “began(s) to see them all in his ordinary life” (Lowry 122). Jonas’s power was useless before he received memories because all he could see was black and white. In addition, the Giver is called by the Committee of Elders and “give(s) them counsel(ing) and advice”(Lowry 130). The Giver’s memories make him wiser than the Committee of Elders. Unquestionably, without memories, knowledge is

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