
How Does Sue Monk Kidd Use Literary Techniques In The Secret Life Of Bees

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“It is true that I have had heartache and tragedy in my life. These are things none of us avoids. Suffering is the price of being alive” (qtd. in Suffering Quotes | Page). Judy Collins wrote this excerpt in her book Sweet Judy Blue Eyes with the inspirational message of everyone being together in their suffering as no one escapes suffering because it comes with being alive. Similarly, in Sue Monk Kidd’s The Secret Life of Bees, every person suffers for one reason or another. Kidd applies literary devices, such as symbolism, indirect characterization and allusions, to display the suffering of Lily from T-Ray, Rosaleen from racism and African Americans fighting for civil rights. In employing these literary devices, Kidd creates the theme of every …show more content…

For example, a distinctive demonstration of Rosaleen’s boldness is when she poured spit on the men’s shoes, “Coming alongside the men, Rosaleen lifted her snuff jug, which was filled with black spit, and calmly poured it across the tops of men’s shoes, moving her hand in small loops like she was writing her name- Rosaleen Daise- just the way she’d practiced” (32). Rosaleen, a black woman of Sylvan, South Carolina, knew the consequences of upsetting a white man, but instead of walking along and ignoring the men’s taunts about her skin tone and weight, she to stand up for herself. In doing so, Rosaleen exhibits boldness. For instance, in the phrase “calmly poured it across the tops of the men’s shoes”, the word calmly emphasizes this boldness because Rosaleen, knowing punishment was inevitable for pouring the spit and then pouring it calmly, clearly demonstrates fearlessness and braveness which is the definition of bold. Even more so, Sue Monk Kidd employs Rosaleen’s boldness to display the racism of the South which causes Rosaleen’s suffering. Rosaleen’s bold behavior lands her in jail where she takes a beating from the white men of whom she poured the spit on while the jail guard just stands there and lets it happen. If Rosaleen was not bold, then the jailer’s extreme racism would never have happened. This racism causes Rosaleen to suffer physically as she is hit in the head with a flashlight and has to go to the hospital. In addition, if Rosaleen was not bold enough to go into town to try and vote in one of the first elections where the government allowed black people to vote, no taunts would have come from the men about her race which is the other event that proves the racism of the South. The racism of the taunts coming from these men cause Rosaleen to suffer emotionally as the taunts upset her enough that she feels

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