
How Does Stanley Change

Decent Essays

“Change is hard at first, messy in the middle and gorgeous at the end” -Robin Sharma. Stanley’s change was hard, but wonderful at the end. Through the influence of Zero’s friendship, Stanley changed from being unloyal and mentally weak to loyal and mentally strong. At the beginning of the novel, Stanley was unloyal and mentally weak. He didn’t want to help Zero so he declined the request, Stanley could have helped him regardless if he’s tired or not. “Sorry, he said. I can’t teach. After digging all day he didn't have the strength to try to teach.” (Sachar 82) Stanley is mentally weak since he couldn’t stand up for himself when Armpit reacted violently. “Theodore whirled and grabbed Stanley by his collar. My name’s Armpit, not Thee-o-dore he said. He threw Stanley to the ground. Stanley stared at him terrified.” (Sachar 20) Stanley was like that in the beginning of the novel, but Zero’s friendship influenced him. Afterward, Stanley tried to fit in with the other boys as best as possible, until he met Zero, who taught him to be himself. Zero’s loyalty toward Stanley made him want to stand up for him since he couldn’t just stand there and watch. “Stanley managed to look up, and he saw that Zero had his arm around Zig-Zag’s long neck.” (Sachar 135) Stanley is going to continue since Zero …show more content…

He stood up to the Warden and proved she’s lying, so his mental strength has increased.“All night as you can see how we are dressed, They snuck into my cabin while I was asleep, and stole my suitcase, I chased after them, and they ran out here and ran into the lizard nest. I don’t know what they were thinking. The Warden said. That’s not true! Stanley Said.” (Sachar 214) His loyalty toward Zero made him not to leave him at Camp, since how much Zero has done for him. “I can’t leave Hector Stanley said. They’ll kill him!” (Sachar 219) Stanley’s changes are clearly visible throughout the book thanks to

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