
How Does Spinoza Exist

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Spinoza claims that in order for God to act in the world for a specific end, it must be that he is trying to bring about something which he lacks in himself. This is because God created all things for himself and on his own behalf, for to act on behalf of anything else would be impossible since nothing else existed at the time of creation by definition. As such God must have lacked these things and have desire them. It then follows that he no longer has all perfections. Instead, Spinoza wants to maintain that nature acts of its own reasons according to principles of necessity and not according to a specific end appointed by God (Spinoza 112). Furthermore, Spinoza asserts that things which exist as direct causes from God are more perfect than their effects. This is due to the premise that …show more content…

It could easily be a result of God's eternal nature in that he has the ability either to freely choose to create something, or freely choose not to being fully complete in himself. Furthermore, even if by acting God is perfect it is not clear why this is a problem. It could be that God acts in the creative way eternally, his acting being an essential part of his nature. If he does this he is still perfect from eternity in his nature. Nor is it clear to me why a later cause should not be just as perfect as the initial. It is perfectly conceivable that God should contain within his nature the property of causing the initial cause with the express aim of causing the final cause. As such it would be in his eternal nature to act in the specific way that he would at the given temporal time, creating the more perfect effect than the initial one. Furthermore, the initial action by God could have been freely chosen by God, not being an eternal aspect of his nature. If this is the case then the final cause could easily be greater than the

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