
How Does Societies Disregard For Women In John Updike's A & P

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In John Updike’s short story “A&P” the thoughts of Sammy, representation of Lengel and, actions of Queenie shows societies disregard for female’s rights to express their thoughts, freedom and individuality. From the beginning Sammy demonstrates the idea that women will be most significantly judged by her appearance and physical appeal to men. Sammy shows the contempt he feels toward women that are unattractive to him as in the cash-register-watcher and the “sheep” he describes as “women with six children and varicose veins mapping their legs”. Sammy finds no difficulty in complaining about the “witch-register-watcher” when she gave him a hard time or the fact that he thinks “women with varicose veins” should be decent and cover up before walking

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