
How Does Shakespeare Use Deception In Macbeth

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Throughout time the act of accepting the truth has been a struggle for several thousands of generations, these struggles have formed something that we know now as deception. The subtlety of deception has been inserted into characters traits and plots to add depth and characters in all sorts of literature. To add a certain depth and mystery to plays, novels, movies, and other forms of entertainment, characters would use deception to add a sense of ambiguity to their works. These literary techniques have been used for decades, in fact in biblical times it was used to teach and highlight the significance of truth and total honesty as supposed to lies and deceit. Over the course of his life Shakespeare has created several plays that emphasized the impact and importance of deception. One …show more content…

Beyond Shakespeare, deception is also common to other artforms, this technique can be found in real life situations such as magic as well as art, movies and novels.
Shakespeare's impact on the modern-day deceptions can be seen throughout vast numbers of literature and other diverse entertainment genres such as films and publications. The amount of deception in Macbeth becomes quite apparent within the first couple of pages, this can be seen when the witches convey they're true intentions, "Fair is foul, and foul is fair"(Shakespear1.1.12). At this point in time in the play it becomes evident that Shakespeare's intentions are to inform the audience that what people convey often deviate from the factual, particularly with the evil hags. Macbeths himself uses deception during the time of the supper as he proclaims hypocritically to the entirety of the room, "I drink to the general joy o' th' whole table,/ And to our dear friend Banquo, whom we miss;/ Would he were here"(3.4.93—95). As the Thane of Cawdor conveys his feeling of longing towards the loss of his friend, he

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