
How Does Sexism Affect People Today?

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Sexism on Males and Females

Sexism is something that starts at an early age in childhood and it develops more as the

years pass. Sexism is something that needs to be done away with, females and males are both

equal. This report will be answering the following questions: What is the history of sexism?

What are some sexist things on women and men? How does sexism affect people today?

What is the history of sexism? The idea when females had little to no rights. Their only

identity was to their husbands. The time have changed and females’ rights have increased. Like

the right to vote or to be able to choose their husbands. In other countries they still have not

given females the rights to do anything. Females have no rights of their own …show more content…

Sexism in America started to happen in the 19th century. Females got to the

point that they started to campaign, to have their wages raised to the same as males, they also

campaigned to have more jobs. Sexism really affected females in the past, now see how it

What are some sexist things on females and males? Females make 77 cents to every

male’s dollar. The normal lifetime loss of this is 400,000 dollars. There are a lot of single

mothers out there who need that money to support their children. In this time and age females

make up half of the work force, and are getting cheated out of all that money in their lifetime.

Yes there are people who are trying to change it but it is still in act. Sexism on males is worse in

law force and donations for cancer treatment. If a male and a female committed the same crime

the male would get a 63% longer sentence than the female, because the jury and judge would be

more lenient on the females. A females’ cancer receives 15 times more funding then males’

cancer funding’s. Another way males are affected is domestic violence cases. Hundreds

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