
How Does Ray Bradbury Use Foreshadowing In The Veldt

Decent Essays

Technology is great to an extent, the limit ending at when it takes over someone’s life, or even their kids. Now when technology is mentioned, it’s not a new Keurig that kids just won’t stop using, I mean an entire nursery built to recreate a scenario in your child’s head instead of them using their imagination, or an entire house that does all your housework for you, where you and your family rely on it more than you. In “The Veldt,” Ray Bradbury show shows the importance of self-care.
In "The Veldt" Ray Bradbury uses foreshadowing to show hints to show what will happen later, showing things like screams coming from the nursery, or Lydia saying "This seems a little too real." This shows important things that you might overlook the first time.

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