
How Does Othello Love Desdemona

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In the play of othello he had no love like he had for desdemona. His mother gave Othello the handkerchief ; he had gave that gift to Desdemona which was an handkerchief. In the play he loved her so much that he don't know to believe from what was put in his head. Othello and Desdemona have compassion and love for one another. In the play Othello and Desdemona love each other.They fell in love with each other at first sight.Iago and othello where close friends. It was a interracial relationship between Othello and Desdemona.Their relationship was tested and had a lot of temptation. Iago was a person that manipulated the whole relationship.But he got to the point where thing went over handed.Iago told what to othello think about desdemona that was not true.Iago told othello that she was having affair with cassio.But othello love desdemona that he doesn't believe at that time.Iago wanted him to get othello to the point where othello collapse and fall out. Othello got to the point where he was doubting his love for desdemona.He started questioning desdemona about the handkerchief and the affair with cassio.The handkerchief was the first gift othello gave desdemona. All this rage that iago causes between Othello and Desdemona.The …show more content…

Desdemona and Othello show their affection for each other regardless of racial and cultural differences. In the first half of the book, they believe and reassure others that their love is real and no one else’s opinion can affect this. In the second half of the book, Iago’s cunning acts start to test Othello’s feelings for Desdemona. Othello becomes enraged with jealousy, but Iago does not create it, but only influences it. His jealousy is derived from his sincere love for Desdemona, for he does not know how to handle the news that Desdemona may no longer love him the way that he loves

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