
How Does Orwell Use Propaganda In Animal Farm

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“The most effective way to destroy people is to deny and obliterate their understanding of their history.”-George Orwell. It is known that dictators use propaganda in order to control their people. In Animal Farm Napoleon and Snowball, who are both leaders, use propaganda techniques in their rule for power. It is a common belief that only a good leader with morally just actions can sway an entire population. However, Napoleon is a tyrannical murderous leader, who is still able to take control of the majority of the people in a negative way since they are less educated and can get manipulated very easily. Napoleon was more clever, was a liar, and was more convincing. Napoleon used his propaganda techniques in a negative manner, which had an …show more content…

Napoleon lied to the animals about almost everything. In the book, after Snowball was exiled, Napoleon started to spread rumors about Snowball. Napoleon ordered Squealer to report all of the news to the animals. Napoleon said that he believed that Snowball was with Mr. Jones from the very beginning. Upon hearing this news, most animals disagreed, especially Boxer. However, Napoleon’s delivery of the news made the uneducated animals believe the lie. Boxer believed that what Napoleon was saying was true, so he adopted a new maxim, “Napoleon is always right.” This shows that since the animals on the farm aren’t educated, they would believe anything even if it were a lie. The animals didn’t have the knowledge to know what the difference was between the truth and the lies. Napoleon used this fact to his own advantage. Napoleon was clever enough to know that he could concoct lies about Snowball in order to get the animals on Napoleon’s side. Once the animals are on Napoleon’s side, they would be able to go against Snowball, as one united force. Even though Napoleon didn’t have the qualities of a good leader, he was still able to manipulate the uneducated populace of Animal Farm. This shows that even a very cruel, murderous leader is able to sway a population to immense

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