
How Does Orwell Use Propaganda In 1984

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George Orwell wrote 1984 to display how one’s perception of a utopian world can quickly become dystopian with the addition of too much government intervention. This section of the novel was written following World War 2 to warn readers about the future of the country and how to prevent the events that took place in the novel to never occur in real life. Because the world was left scarred by the results of WW2, Orwell wanted to make sure that countries didn’t fall under a dictatorship or oppressive government in which the basic human right of privacy would be diminished. Based off my historical knowledge on WW2, I know that Hitler used propaganda within his campaigns to promise the people of Germany a way out of the depression that they were …show more content…

He did this as a tactic to make sure that the people were only receiving government issued information and to only give people the knowledge and opinions of him that he approved of. This part of history can be seen in 1984 through the departments formed to keep his political affiliates in power, and this is seen in the novel through the Ministry of Love, Truth, and Plenty. A common theme discussed in these sections was the way that he government can use manipulation to control people for selfish reasons as expressed in the quote “Who controls the past controls the future. Who controls the preset controls the past (Orwell, 34).” This is a party slogan used to treat the past to justify their goals and uses their complete political power to control its subjects. Another recurring theme within this section of the novel is privacy. The government uses its authoritarian control over society to constantly monitor the citizens every move, 24/7. To me, this section of the book shows how a strong government, in this case Big Brother, could be detrimental to a country and an invasion of one’s privacy and basic human

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