
How Does Orwell Create A Satire In Animal Farm

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George Orwell was the author of Animal Farm, Orwell was able to write a satire on the Russian Revolution. Animal Farm started off with the animals living an anguished life under the ownership of Mr. Jones. Mr. Jones treated the animals with no respect, he took everything the animals had produced, and when Mr. Jones sees that the animal were incapable to work he would slaughter them. The animals on the farm revolted against Mr. Jones and kick him out of the farm. After the revolution the animals went a couple seasons under Snowball and Napoleon leadership, but Napoleon viciously chasing out Snowball. Napoleon was the solo leader and establish an egocentric society putting the pigs above the rest of the farm. The lives of the animals under …show more content…

Jones share the same tactic on taking away everything the animals had produced. During the ownership of Mr. Jones the animals would never benefit from what they've produced, it would all go to Mr. Jones. It was the same with Napoleon, he would take everything from the animals and sell it to humans. The animals on the farm were very detested with the idea of selling their harvest to humans. Napoleon and Mr. Jones both benefited from the hard work of the animals. Napoleon and Mr. Jones shared a similar way of underfeeding their animals. Mr. Jones would consistently get drunk and forget to feed the animals. Napoleon wouldn't forget to feed them, but he would just not feed them the fair ratio of food. Napoleon would always give himself and the piglets an abundance of food, and let the rest of the animals starve. Similar of underfeeding the animals between the two tyrants of Napoleon and Mr. Jones. Napoleon and Mr. Jones were so selfish that they've created an egocentric society. Mr. Jones would never go out on the fields and work with the animals. Mr. Jones would just order the animals around and drink til he slept. Mr.Jones and his men had a nice life benefiting for all the hard work of the animals. Napoleon shared the same selfish mind set of not working and using all the resources to benefit himself. Napoleon created an environment for the piglets to

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