
How Does Oedipus Fulfill His Fate

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Oedipus Rex “I have consorted with whom I should not have consorted, killed whom I should not have killed” (Lines 1142-1144). In Oedipus Rex, by Sophocles, Oedipus ends up doing what he feared most, killing his father and marrying his mother. Oedipus is trying to find the murderer of the old king of Thebes because the city is hit with a plague. The investigation leads Oedipus to find out that killed his father and married his mother, fulfilling the prophecy, and when Oedipus learns the truth he blinds himself and is exiled. Oedipus thought that he was the best of men for which reasons the city of Thebes had been placed in his hands. When needing to bring the murderer of Laius to justice he is quick to blame anyone. All while thinking …show more content…

Oedipus tells Jocasta that “he left for a place where he would not be able to fulfill his fate” (Line 773-774). In thinking that he could no longer kill his father and marry his mother, Oedipus had left the place from where he grew up and went directly to the place he was born in and his real parents. Oedipus learns of his father’s death and says, “He lies deep, deep within the earth, while I am here, not having touched my sword” (Line 922-923). Oedipus believes that since his father is dead then the prophecy can no longer be fulfilled. Oedipus’ mother remains alive and to be sure that the prophecy is not accomplished he doesn’t want to return to his mother. Hearing what Oedipus is saying the messenger tells him that “Polybus was no relation to” (Line 970) Oedipus. Knowing that who he thought to be his parents were not his parents, he starts to question the messenger about how he was found and if he knew who his real parents were. All of the questioning leads to Oedipus finding out that he indeed killed his father, married his mother, and even had four children. Oedipus’, thinking of getting away from fate, led himself to his terrible truth and going blind and

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