
How Does Odysseus Show Courage

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Across the canvas of the ancient world, embark on a voyage with Odysseus, where wit and bravery unite, a never-ending saga showcasing the enduring spirit of cleverness and courage. Mastermind of war, a valiant and clever hero, Odysseus, as depicted in Homer's epic The Odyssey Translated by Fagles, confronts challenges on his journey home from the Trojan War. Through knowledge, he outwits his foes, alongside his teammates, such as the Cyclops and Sirens, showcasing both wit and courage. As the days unfold, ultimately losing all of his dear and courageous comrades, Odysseus returns to Ithaca, where he cleverly defeats the suitors and reunites with his family, alone. Eventually, exemplifying that man underscores the enduring qualities of courage …show more content…

Identifying himself as a nobody, King of Ithaca strategically employs anonymity in his escape plan. This choice of a seemingly ordinary name becomes a pivotal element, showcasing his quick thinking and strategic wit. Polyphemus later bellowing “nobody, friends” when seeking help underscores the success of Odysseus' plan, emphasizing his bravery and intellectual prowess in navigating a dangerous situation (9.554). Finally, to escape the cave, Odysseus, rather quickly, comes up with the idea of hiding under the flock of sleep which the Cyclops owns. The “Men trussed up under their [sleeps] thick fleecy ribs” reveals a moment where Odysseus's bravery and quick thinking are prominently showcased (9.494). In the face of the perilous situation with the Cyclops, Odysseus' men are captured and restrained. This challenges the Son of Laertes and Anticleia to navigate a dangerous circumstance with both physical and mental resilience. Despite the adversity, Odysseus's ability to devise a cunning plan, seen when escaping Polyphemus’ cave, exemplifies his cleverness in overcoming obstacles which combines courage and strategic

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