
How Does Ninotchka Relate To Capitalism

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Ninotchka: Capitalism over Communism
The film from 1939, Ninotchka, the comedy-drama directed by Ernst Lubitsch shows how the culture and attitude was towards Soviets and follows an underlying political issue about whether communism is better than capitalism and vice versa. Ninotchka was made during a turbulent time in history. It was released during the second World War, not long after Hitler had invaded Poland. In Europe, the year of the film’s release, World War II had broke out and the foreign market for movies was waning. Mussolini had also said that Italy would be entering the war in that year. The release of Ninotchka had different reactions in different parts of the world. The Russians really did not like it. It was even banned in Soviet …show more content…

Ninotchka portrays the theme of capitalism overcoming communism. This can be seen most evidently through the Soviet Russian envoy, Ninotchka. It is portrayed as she changes from a cold, unfeeling, all business woman who talks coldly, and never smiles, to a woman who smiles more often and who is happy, carefree. At first, Ninotchka seems to be a very cold and unfeeling woman who really believes in the beliefs of communist Russia, but does not seem to be happy or find anything humorous and is always working or studying something in order to better Russia. However, after she meets the Count Leon d’Algout, she starts to gradually change. Ninotchka starts to smile and laugh more after the scene at the restaurant where the count falls off his chair. She also is not so meticulous in her work as she starts to daydream while the negotiations about the jewels are being made. She even loses the jewels because she is so distracted and in love that the Grand Duchess gets them from her suite through a loyal former servant of the Grand Duchess. Also through the perspectives of the three comrades one can see the discontent they feel against all the rules and regulations in Soviet Russia after having a taste of the capitalist life in Paris. There is the one specific scene when all the comrades have returned to Russia and Ninotchka is back to her sullen self that shows just how different the circumstances are in Soviet Russia. One can also …show more content…

Ninotchka was made during a very integral part of history and shows some key historical aspects and cultural aspects of the time period. This film reverses gender roles through the character of Ninotchka and shows how sexuality was becoming more and more overt in films and regulations becoming more lax on it because people wanted to see more overt sexuality. Ninotchka was released just as World War II was starting. The theme of the film was also very important because it explored the different aspects of the capitalist system versus the communist system while portraying the capitalist system in a more favorable light. However it makes a joke out the communist system through its portrayal of the three comrades and their behavior. It addresses a major issues and takes a stand against it while also doing so in a comical way. For these reasons, the film, Ninotchka had a very significant political meaning because of the time period it was released and the risk it was taking against Russia who was a much needed ally. It also shows the culture of the time period and how people were feared the threat of communism and the influence it might have on their country. Ninotchka was able to encompass all of these aspects and was able to portray it in a way that was enjoyable but was also very persuasive in showing why capitalism is more favorable than

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