
How Does Napoleon Gain Power In Animal Farm

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In George Orwell’s book, Animal Farm, Napoleon maintains power over the animals by inducing fear and manipulation. Napoleon maintains power over the animals by inducing fear. After the animals take over the farm from Mr. Jones, the pigs become the leaders. Napoleon and Snowball are the pigs put in the highest leadership positions. They create commandments for the farm and make plans for the future. Eventually, Napoleon exiles Snowball and becomes the leader of the farm. After Snowball is exiled, Napoleon blames everything that goes wrong on Snowball. The animals become scared that if they do not listen to Napoleon then Snowball will come back and destroy them and all of the hard work they have done. One of the dogs on the farm has puppies, and Napoleon takes the puppies and raises them himself. The puppies grow up away from all the other animals, except Napoleon. …show more content…

In Animal Farm, the pig Squealer, is the propaganda and the source of information for the animals. He makes everything Napoleon does seem wonderful and amazing even though it is not. Through Squealer, Napoleon tells lies to the animals to manipulate them into thinking he is a great leader. The pigs start stealing the apples and milk, and when the other animals find out, they are confused. Squealer explains to them that the pigs need the milk and apples to keep doing their work to keep the farm running, and the animals believe him. Squealer and Napoleon are always telling the animals that Mr. Jones will come back if they do not behave. Although this is not true, the animals are manipulated into thinking that it is true. The animals are also told that Snowball betrayed them and was on the human's side the whole time. They do not even notice when the pigs begin to change the commandments on the wall of the barn. The animals are convinced that the pigs are doing everything they can to help the farm, but the pigs are only helping

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