
How Does My Father Influence Me

Decent Essays

When I was younger, my father and I were in car accident. The other driver crossed a red light and unfortunately hit us. I remember clearly how he not only worried about me he also checked to see if the other driver was fine. This showed me how of a caring person he is. When other people are in need, he always does his best to help them in whatever he can possibly can. Ever since then he has been a huge influence. He has taught me how to work hard for anything that I want to accomplish. As well as not to give up on my goals and most importantly to always be kind to one another. My parents are divorced; however, this fact did not change the relationship between my father and me. He has always worked day and night to provide my brothers and me a comfortable lifestyle. His attitude towards life has had a great influence in my life. I know that I have to put in the effort to accomplish my nursing degree. But in this process, I will try to be kind-hearted to …show more content…

He will do whatever he can possibly can to help others in need. Even though he is a busy man, when someone asks for help, he will help him or her with whatever he can. It does not matter if the favor is big or small or if they are friends or perhaps just an acquaintance. From his actions it has influenced me to be kind to others as well. He has always told me that no one knows what others are going through; therefore, I should not judge them and simply treat them with respect. He is also a very optimistic person; he always tries to look at the bright side of a difficult situation. When I was younger, I would always feel like the world was ending when something went wrong, but when I got older me he once told me, “no matter what the problem is, it has an answer. There is a solution for everything”. This is always in the back on my head, whenever I encounter an obstacle. Becoming a nurse has always been a dream of mine and I know I will be able to do

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