
How Does Miss Strangeworth Use Indirect Manipulation In The Possibility Of Evil

Decent Essays

In the story The Possibility of Evil by Shirley Jackson the main character miss Strangeworth shows her true backstabbing nature when writing anonymous letters to all the people in town. The story eventually reviles her dark secret of writing the letters and hiding behind the paper. Similarly cyber bullies hide behind a keyboard and type out horrible messages meant to make the receiver feel meaningless. The common pattern of indirect manipulation and controlling behaviors are observed in both modern cyber bullies and the character Miss Strangeworth in "The Possibility of Evil". A persons personality is well expressed when you meet in person but communication through the use of the Internet or letters provides an indirect way for people to communicate or manipulate one another. The main character of the possibility of evil uses these tactics of indirect manipulation …show more content…

SOME PEOPLE JUST SHOULDN’T HAVE CHILDREN, SHOULD THEY(Jackson 332)?” Using the fears and insecurities of others is one way to manipulate people, Miss Strangeworth tries to manipulate people into complying with her ideal of perfection. The behavior seen in the possibility of evil is also seen in modern cyber bullies. Social media is used by almost everyone but some people disuse this tools or another purpose the manipulation of others. In cyber bullying people to use online accounts and information on social media to employ their own agenda on another in a threatening manner,"...there have been many cases of manipulative

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