
How Does Macy's Cut 10, 000 Jobs After Poor Holiday Sales

Decent Essays

Macy’s will Cut 10,000 Jobs after Poor Holiday Sales This article is about Macy’s cutting jobs because of the sale rates over the past few years. Throughout the past holiday seasons, Macy’s has been having trouble with the amount of products they are selling. Since, this issue hasn’t ceased, Macy’s will start to eliminate over 10,000 jobs and close more than 100 of the 730 stores that it has. Apparently, sales are continuously falling 2.1 percent even though Macy’s is one the country’s largest stores.
Not only is Macy’s cutting jobs in stores, but also of the entire business, which eliminates an extra 6,000 jobs. Their conclusion will be an increase of savings of about $550 million a year at the beginning of 2017. They plan on using this money to develop new technologies for digital business instead. Macy’s is also lowering the amount of pay they will give employees from as low as twenty cents less. …show more content…

Macy’s is a particularly famous department store and they want that efficiency to continue for the future; however, the decreased sale rate is making them lose the amount of money they need to continue with a successful business (scarcity). The ‘invisible hand’ interpretation that business have that was discussed in class is what Macy’s is going through at the moment. People are entering the store and they aren’t buying anything. Macy’s decided to lower the prices of products and cut jobs. The company’s chairman and chief executive says, “Consistent with the lower end out guidance, we anticipated sales would be stronger,” Terry J. Lundgren worriedly

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