
How Does Luis Valdez Use Stereotypes In Los Vendidos

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Stereotypes are the shackles that keep masses of people unable to be free in the world. One of the main themes illustrated through the play is the basis of stereotyping in America and how it has and continues to affect chicanos. Valdez’s definition of actos is “to inspire others to take social action”, the playwright successfully fulfils his definition through the dialogues and events he describes. The dehumanizing way that Valdez introduces all of the characters in the play solidifies the pressure they feel to assimilate and why many resist assimilation. In the play Los Vendidos by Luis Valdez, the author fulfills his own unique definition of actos in the play by showcasing some of the stereotypes and prejudices held against Mexican Americans to illustrate the real social standards that are placed upon them. The play uses stereotypes and biased cultural …show more content…

Jimenez who is there representing the governor. Mrs. Jimenez who clearly has a chicano last name, represents those chicanos who are whitewashed. Sancho recognizes her as chicana but she quickly corrects him by using the Anglo pronunciation of her last name rather than how it was intended. When she states “My name is Miss JIM-enez. Don’t you speak English? What is wrong with you?”, This is a great example of assimilation versus the non assimilated stereotypes. She has abandoned her culture and fully taken on American culture instead. This is an example of Valdez's definition of actos because Chicanos should not have to be forced to totally assimilate to a culture that is not their own to please those around them or for others to accept them. I believe that Miss Jimenez's character and the hardship that she represents for many Chicano Americans is important because many do not feel that they are Chicano enough or American enough. Forcing them to abandon part of their culture so they can be accepted and live like someone in America would

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