In Looking For Alaska I believe that their are many points in the story that changes the character. There is one part of the story that left me absolutely speechless. There’s one girl named Alaska Young. She is perplexing and very alluring. She loves to collect books from yard sales, drink, smoke, and most importantly: playing pranks on the rich people in their college, Culver Creek. So throughout the whole book, Alaska is dealing with the death of her mother so she has mood changes that can be very frustrating for her friends. But one night, Alaska leaves Culver Creek and she get’s into a serious car accident while a truck jackknifed and Alaska’s car ran right into it and she died. Reading the part where Miles, one of Alaska’s friends, finds out that she died, was so hard to read. He got so devastated, I ended up crying while reading this part and had to put the book away for a little while. But Alaska is that one girl that everyone loves, but she has her best friends: Pudge, the Colonel, Takumi, and Lara. They always smoke by the Lake and talk about the weirdest things. The 5 of them …show more content…
He and the Colonel actually found one last clue: Alaska was putting flowers on her mother’s grave because she does every year on the day she died! It makes perfect sense. Shortly after he figures that out he writes his final essay for his English class. He writes about how Alaska wanted to get out of his Labyrinth. And the essay is about how to get out of it. He knows now that he is eventually going to forget about her, that Alaska is soon not going to be in his life anymore. He knows that Alaska forgot about him and he is now fine with that. The last part of his essay really inspired me. His whole essay was about him letting her go...and it’s amazing to feel that of him. I felt like I was a part of him during this whole
English 2 Give a brief summary of the plot. The book Looking for Alaska by John Green is about a fifteen year old boy named Miles Halter that wishes to get away from his normal life setting, looking for a great perhaps. Knowing famous people's last words from their biographies, he also knew there was something else out there in the world for him. The start of his so called great perhaps was the decision to take after his father's footsteps and attend Culver Creek boarding school in Alabama for his
A background on Looking for Alaska: Looking for Alaska by John Green tells the story of Pudge, an ironically thin and awkward boy journeying through his first year at Culver Creek boarding school. Throughout the story, Pudge experiences significant change in character, for the better, thanks to the influences of his newfound friends, specifically Alaska Young. Pudge has an incredible infatuation with Alaska, understandably so. She is beautiful, daring, and possibly the greatest mystery Pudge has
How does somebody really know who they are? How do people influence their decisions to be who they are now? “Looking for Alaska”, by John Green, an American writer for young adults, is about a high school student named Miles Halter who currently dislikes the life he is living in. After he read the last words of François Rabelais, "So this guy, Francois Relais. He was this poet. And his last words were, ‘I go to seek a Great Perhaps’. That’s why I’m going." (Green 5), he decides that he cannot find
Looking for Alaska Character Sketch Miles halter is the main character in John Green’s Looking for Alaska. Miles is a teenage character who lived a so called “Minor Life,” in Florida, where he was born and raised. The story begins a week before Miles sets off to attend Culver Creek, a boarding school in Alabama that his father, uncle’s and cousins on his dad’s side had all attended. Ironically nicknamed Pudge, due to the fact that he can be physically described as lanky. “ The small bathroom contained
How would one escape this labyrinth that is our lives to find our Great Perhaps? Miles Halter “Pudge” travels to a new school to find his own Perhaps. Miles makes new friends; Chip Martin “The Colonel”, Alaska Young, Takumi Hikohito, and Lara Buterskaya in his journey at Culver Creek. In Looking for Alaska, the author, John Green, shows the life of five teenagers and how they have experienced lasting love, death, and self-discovery. Love can be one of the greatest things in life, but can also be
Looking For Alaska Looking for Alaska is a realistic fiction book that was written by John Green. This emotional story has many themes, a few being friendship, intimacy, and mortality. This novel is about a sixteen-year-old boy, Miles Halter, commonly called Pudge, who leaves his home in Florida to go to a boarding school. He finds his best friends, Alaska Young, Chip Martin, frequently called “The Colonel”, Takumi Hikohito, and Lara Buterskaya. Pudge falls in love with Alaska, then has to learn
this statement. In the book, "Looking For Alaska," written by John Green, the author uses Miles and Alaska's thoughts, feelings, and actions to prove this quotation. To make you more aware of the events in the book, here is a brief summary. Miles goes to boarding school and then meets his roommate, "The Colonel." He then meets Alaska through his roommate and gets nicknamed "Pudge". Alaska's group of friends all smoke cigarettes, drink alcohol, and play pranks. Alaska is very emotional and spontaneous
Do you like incomplete love stories? Looking For Alaska by John Green, is the perfect book for you. This book starts off with a boy named Miles who leaves his hometown of Florida and goes to a boarding school named Culver Creek in Alabama. Once arriving at Culver Creek he befriends his roommate Chip Martin whom Miles nicknames “Colonel.” Colonel then introduces Miles to his friends Alaska Young, and Takumi Hikokito. Miles also a girlfriend for a but in the story, her name is Lara Buterskaya. This
love with a beautiful girl named Alaska. Miles begins to find out that the more and more he falls in love with her he finds out that her life isn’t a great as he thought it was. He finds out that she is more complex and gets thrown into mischief and lies. When the unthinkable happens Pudge and Chip, the Colonel, must find out what really happened to Alaska the last night they saw her. I think the main conflict in this story is person vs. self. Miles is really looking for and trying to figure himself
Miles Halter from John Green's Looking for Alaska is an shy nerd fifteen years old junior in high school, who goes looking for a Great Perhaps away from home at Culver Creek Boarding School in Alabama. Miles wants his Great Perhaps, but never really know what he envisions as his Great Perhaps and whether the boarding school of Culver Creek lives up to his expectations. He is obsessed with the last words of dead people and has enough self-awareness to know that he won't find his Great Perhaps at
In the novel Looking For Alaska, written by John Green, the protagonist is an awkward, inexperienced teenage boy named Miles “Pudge” Halter. His lifelong goal has been to find the “Great Perhaps”, which is driven by his odd ability to memorize famous last words. After transferring to Culver Creek Boarding School, his once uneventful life changes completely. He meets a young, gorgeous, self-destructive girl named Alaska Young. Pudge is instantly drawn to her because she challenges and pushes him
books Gone by Michael Grant, Looking for Alaska by John Green, and Paper Towns by John Green, young love is present between two of the characters in the book. The main character (often male) is significantly different before this young love. After the main character falls in love his behavior changes, such as reckless behaviour, for example drinking and skipping school, as well as claiming more leadership like roles. Teenage love is used by young adult novels to change the main character to become
Looking for Alaska “Last night Alaska Young was in a terrible accident” (Green 139), The words that changed everyone's lives. Miles Halter (pudge) starts attending a new school in Alabama, and he meets his three best friends (Alaska, the Colonel, and Takumi). Miles has a major crush on Alaska but can’t do anything about it, because she has a boyfriend. The three best friend do everything together including drinking, smoking, and pulling pranks. Until he only has two best friends left. Alaska
protagonists of the book Looking for Alaska, Miles Halter and Alaska Young, both want to feel like existing and be memorized when being death. As a reader of the book, you pass through Alaska and Miles their years of growing up during their puberty. They both create their own quest. The title already says that people are looking for something. You do not just fill in your life, you select the persons you want to be with and further rest you look for who you are. This is what Miles and Alaska did, thinking about
A child is cared for a nurtured by his or her parents until a certain point in their lifetime where aging and maturing becomes a prime focus. Things change, and with that, so do people. In the book To Kill a Mockingbird written by Harper Lee and the book Looking for Alaska by John Green, the main character Scout and Miles have to go through the transition from childhood to the years of being a teenager. Both kids are forced to mature and take on more responsibility as they experience less comforting