
How Does Lee Present Atticus's Moral Lessons In To Kill A Mockingbird

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Considering things from other people point of view To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee portrays the values of American society back in the 1930’s, where there were very different moral standards. Maycomb was a representation of a typical 1930’s town, where African Americas were victims of discrimination, Lee focuses on the integrity of a character named Atticus, she portrays him as a character of his moral standards. She introduces Atticus’s morals, and the lessons he taught to his children, Jean Louise Finch (Scout) and Jeremy Atticus Finch (Jem) through examples, for instance, the cases of Mrs.Dubose, Boo Radley, and Miss. Caroline. The children’s lives have always been guided and remodel by their father Atticus. However, does Atticus’s valuable …show more content…

Atticus has various techniques when guiding his children. He uses actions to discipline them. In a case for Scout, she is already a considerate person from a young age this is displayed when Jem explains to her the social status of Maycomb “The thing is about it is, our kind of folks don’t like the Cunningham’s, the cunning hams don’t like the Ewells, and the Ewells hate and despise the coloured folks. “Scout does not like approve of this idea saying “There is just one kind of folks, folks. However, scout has her and this occur as she joins her first day of school. Scout enters a whole new environment and is clueless plus mindless of her actions. She finds herself muddled up with her new teacher, Miss Caroline who demands scout to “tell your father to not teach you anymore. Its best to start reading with a fresh mind. you tell him I’ll take over from here”. After repetitive arguments and punishment during the first day, Scout was confused and tired, this leaded her to resolve by quitting school. Which created conversation between Atticus and herself. Instead of scolding her, Atticus allows Scout to lean on his lap and leaves her to clarify the situation. She starts off with a “I don’t feel very well and don’t

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