
How Does It Relate To The Great Gatsby

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As we grow up we all hear stories. Stories of wizards, elves, dwarves, and little men who hunt for rings, or stories of wars in far off galaxies. Or even of caped crusaders, who always seem to win against all odds. Regardless of the genre of the story, they all have one thing in common - a happy ending. An ending in which everything ends up all right, the hero wins, and the villain is defeated. But as we grow up, we see that in real life there are no such things as perfect storytale endings. Despite this, we still tell ourselves stories of hope, stories of utopia, and of dreams of a better place. We pass these on to children, and to all the subsequent generations that will succeed us. But after the devastation of human caused World Wars, countless mass genocides,the losses of millions of lives, and massive impact on such a …show more content…

It is most prevalent in 1984 and Gatsby. Gatsby deals with the illusion of money and happiness. Look at Gatsby. Although he has accumulated massive amounts of wealth, he is not happy. He doesn’t enjoy his parties, walking aimlessly not really talking with anyone. Gatsby says “You see I usually find myself among strangers because I drift here and there trying to forget the sad things that happened to me.” For Gatsby these parties were to mask his sadness, not for happiness. Having money doesn’t constitute happiness. A study showed money can only make you happy up until 75k a year, after that your money and happiness don’t correlate. What this shows is an illusion of Happiness. We feel to get happiness we must get rich. Gatsby shows this through Daisy and Tom who aren’t Happy, Gatsby who isn’t happy, and you pretty accurately guess that Wolfsheim isn’t happy either. In 1984 happiness could be seen as love. Winston though his love for julia was real, and that they truly loved each other. But after threat of torture, he gave up that love. That happiness he felt was also an

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