
How Does Ishmael Beah Use Literary Techniques In A Long Way Gone

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Many and many child are forced to become soldiers and is becoming a major issue in the global level. A long way gone is a real life story that was faced by Ishmael Beah who became soldier even if he didn’t want to be. He wrote this book to show people around the world, the suffering that child goes through in the war country. He didn’t have any other choices. Ishmael Beah uses imagery, flashback, and narrative techniques to show the condition of the child soldiers is a major issue going on the world through the memoirs “A long way gone”. One of the technique he uses to show the seriousness is imagery. Like in page 112 “Visualizes the enemy, the rebel who killed your parents, your family, and those who are responsible for everything that has happened to you” . These kids were brainwashed to kill the rebels, they …show more content…

Childrens were given no choice they had to become soldiers to get food and shelter. “The town became scary, the night darker, and the silence unbearably agitating”(page 22). This is when they were away from their Kids who were away from their parents didn’t know if their parents were alive or not. They were scared what was going to happen to then. Are they going to find their parents or not. They had lots of thought floating in their head. Ishmael beah says this line to show that the kids were scared and had no clue what to do next. Another technique he uses to show the seriousness is Flashback. For example “ I knew we weren’t going for the training and Alhaji leaned on the wall of the building clutching his gun like a mother would hold her baby” They were not even informed that they are going to war the soldiers just said that it was a training. The condition of child who were forced to be soldiers was very bad. Kids were just used to fight, the soldiers

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