
How Does Ibsen Present Autho In A Doll's House

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A Doll’s House, by Henrik Ibsen, is a three act Victorian era play is based upon the life of the protagonist, Nora who portrays child-like characteristics and her husband, Torvald - also known as Helmer. These individuals have been married for 8 years; the relationship consists of hidden lies and deceptions from each other which will soon be revealed in the duration of the book. The play begins with a perfect household among Nora and Helmer whereas time goes by we see their love slowly fading away. The use of the theatrical elements and set pieces, symbolically displays the problems Nora, the protagonist, faces in the play. Ibsen’s use of symbolism helps create the story in parallel, where unspoken matters are brought up to the surface. Overall, the …show more content…

The secrecy of Nora’s past and their effects on her at the moment is being represented by the tree. As soon as the tree is brought home, Nora says “Hide the Christmas tree properly, Helena. The children mustn’t see it till this evening, when it’s been decorated” (Ibsen 147), it shows how the physical appearance is hidden until it is ready to be seen. This corresponds to Nora as she says “Pretty, pretty gloves! Don’t think about it - don’t think! One … two … three … four … five ...six - [She screams] Ah, they're coming!” (Ibsen 182-183) this shows how she does not want to be seen in her costume before the night of the dance even though she was only admiring the outfit, her count down until people start coming and then her scream both emphasize her uneasy emotion . The Christmas tree can only be seen when it is decorated with candles and other ornaments, just like Nora as can not be seen in her tarantella costume until she is dolled up and ready for the dance. The author’s use of the Christmas tree is ideally used to symbolize the concealment of Nora’s past and their effects on her at this point in

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