
How Does Holden Caulfield Change Throughout The Catcher In The Rye

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Throughout the book The catcher in the Rye, Holden Caulfield takes a journey through his life. On the outside of this young teenage boy it may seem like he has it together, but the inside of him is a full-hearted child. Holden has troubles with his inability to not try and save every innocent life he passes all the while he’s trying to force childhood and his actions back on himself. The sudden death of his brother Allie makes him go through this transition where he needs to grow up and face reality, but he instead chooses to hide behind the thoughts of a child. Although some may think that Holden has grown up because of the change he shows from the beginning to the end of the novel and the fact that reality might have hit him, that is not the case. Though he may have made the switch and let Phobe hop on the child ride and stay behind, he still chose to sit in the rain and let that red hunting hat “protect” him. …show more content…

He had been failing all of his classes but one, english, and he constantly complains about the friends he has. The problems that are in front of him with his schooling and social life are what he tries to run away from, but they follow you no matter what. Pencey was the best thing that Holden had but instead he chose to pick out all of the problems and put that over everything rather than focus on the good. If he were to actually be successful on his journey in the end, he wouldn’t have regretted as many of the choices he made. J.D. Salinger writes: “Don't ever tell anybody anything. If you do, you start missing everybody.” By the end, if he was to be at that level of mature, he would reconnect rather than just

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