
How Does Harper Lee Use Foreshadowing Examples In To Kill A Mockingbird

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Foreshadowing is used throughout the novel, Harper Lee uses foreshadowing to create a climax causing the novel to become interesting and suspenseful for instance, Jem says “ [Scout] had to grow up sometime.” Foreshadowing is used here because Scout in the book grows up to a sense that racism is a bad thing. Foreshadowing is a literary element used to make a novel interesting, it creates a indication of something that might happen in the future. Harper Lee uses foreshadowing throughout her novel, examples will be given to show how she uses foreshadowing to create the climax.

The first example of foreshadowing iss in chapter nine, it starts with Atticus and his brother, Uncle Jack discussing the case that Atticus has been assigned. Uncle Jack asks Atticus, “... how bad is this going to be? You haven’t had too much to discuss it.”(16) Atticus replies, “It could be worse, Jack. The only thing we’ve got is a blacks man’s word against the Ewells’... …show more content…

Dubose dies Atticus is trying to teach Jem a lesson about courage, Atticus uses Mrrs. Dubose as an example, she is a sick cranky old lady who later dies. After Mrs. Dubose dies Atticus tells Jem, “ I wanted you to see something about her- I wanted you to see what real change is, instead of getting the idea that courage is a man with a gun in his hand. It’s when you know you’re licked before you begin but you begin anyway and you see it through no matter what. You rarely win, but sometimes you do. Mrs. Dubose won… to her views she died beholden to nothing and nobody.”(149) What Atticus means to say is that courage is standing up to what you believe in, Mrs. Dubose was always saying negative things about Atticus and his case with Tom Robinson, the black man. Atticus shows Jem that courage is not strength, it is about standing up to what you believe in. It is a rare quality to have but a great to know when something big is going to

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