
How Does Hamlet Kill Himself

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"To be, or not to be, that is the question."(Hamlet) This quote is the most famous of Shakespeare because of the impact it really has, this is Hamlet asking himself; should I kill myself or should I stay alive? Should I let the killer of my father, my uncle, live or die? Hamlet's doubt is coming from the indecision he has inside of himself. He not only is indecisive about everything that is happening in his life, he also has this anger, this madness building up inside of him. Hamlet is really smart when it comes to planning things, he’s a mastermind. Regardless of the fact that he may have considered plans, he, himself was keeping him down in the meantime. His need to break down and demonstrate everything certainty changed his activities more and in a weird way. Hamlet constantly questioned himself and regardless of whether the activity that he couldn’t do the things he wanted to do, the things his mind wanted to do, he couldn’t. …show more content…

Unlike most behavior of individuals seeking revenge out of anger, Hamlet considers the consequences of his actions. What would the people think if he killed the King, his uncle? What would people think about the prince, himself? What kind of effect would it have on his mother? Hamlet considers questions of this type which in effect hasten his decision. After all, once his mother is dead and her feelings are completely out of the picture, Hamlet doesn’t even have to second guess himself into killing Claudius. Once Hamlet is certain that Claudius is the killer, that’s when he is ready and plans everything in order to have Claudius death. This is the first time that he is actually following through with his plans and his

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