
How Does Haemon Contribute To Creon's Downfall

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In the Greek tragedy “ Antigone” written by Sophocles. We meet the tragic hero King Creon of Thebes and we learned how his decisions based on his traits spitefulness, stubbornness and sexist contributed to his downfall. Which costs the lives of his loved one including his son Haemon. Haemons serves as a foil for Creon by bringing out Creon’s traits of pridefulness , stubbornness and sexism. These traits cause Creon to make fateful decisions that contribute to his own downfall and shows the theme that it is the trait of wisdom that creates happiness.
Creon is the king of Thebes , he has a son named Haemon. Haemon is engaged to Antigone , the woman Creon plans on killing because she disobeyed Creon’s rule and buried her brother …show more content…

Haemon tried to convince his father that Antigone did what she felt was right and Antigone shouldn't be punished for it. Of course Creon did not want to go back on his word and not give in . Later in the conversation Creon said “ are we then going to school to learn what's wise from men as young as him ?” Creon is saying that Haemon is to young for Creon to listen to him , since Creon is Haemon’s father and the king of Thebes. Creon feels that Haemon has no choice but to listen to him which contributes to his …show more content…

In this last interaction Haemon insults his father after Creon called Haemon a woman slave. Creon then decided that he'll punish his son by saying he'll kill Haemon’s bride to be right in front of Haemon. In response Haemon said “ as for you-your eyes will never see my face again”. This interaction leads to Haemon attempting to kill his dad but doesn't succeed. What Haemon said to his father actually becomes true with Haemon decides to take his own life when he finds out that Antigone is dead. Which advances the plot of the play because of Creon’s decisions and

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