
How Does HIV Affect The Human Body?

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The first sign of HIV that was found in the human body was in 1959. But did not become a huge case until 1981 in the U.S. A Homosexual man died from mysterious symptoms.Soon after that many people started to die in the same way. In 1984, Dr. Robert Gallo discovered what causes AIDS, it was HIV. The deteriorating immune system breaks down because of HIV. Soon after that discovery, many people around the world were already affected by the travesty.

HIV stands for (Human Immunodeficiency Virus). If not treated properly, it can be turned into a disease called AIDS (Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome). HIV affects the body's immune system, primarily targeting the T cells. In result of this, the human body is more vulnerable to get more infections …show more content…

The white blood cells are the reason the body fights off infections. In this case the virus eliminates them from the body. The process behind the virus is seven stages. The seventh stage is the development of AIDS. Testing to see if you have HIV/AIDS is a very complicated procedure. Testing tries to see if the human have antibodies in blood or saliva. The HIV antibodies are different from the flu antibodies.

HIV is mainly spread by sexual behaviors and needle or syringe use. Human fluids such as: Blood, Semen, Pre-seminal fluid, Rectal fluids, Vaginal fluids, Breast milk can transmit HIV to other people. HIV cannot be spread by air, water, dry body contact, and drinking fountains.There were some stories from people who received HIV by holding hands and hugging with a person with HIV. Another myth was that it was a homosexual disease. Lastly some people said that they have HIV thanks to breathing the same air as people affected with the virus. Anyone that has unprotected sex or shared body fluids have a …show more content…

The current cost for treatment is $379,00 for a lifetime treatment. Nearly 30% of the people with virus are uninsured. The ways treated for the virus is either prescription pills or antiretroviral therapy (ART). ART is not a cure but it guarantees for a long healthy life for those with the virus. It prevents HIV antibodies from multiplying in the immune system. It gives it a chance for the immune system to fight away infections and cancers. If the treatment is stopped, the body will continue to get worse and get closer to AIDS. Even tho its a lot of money for treatment, it helps people have a second chance at life and be healthy. To prevent yourself from getting HIV/AIDS, have safe sex and be cautious to those around you. Get tested every month and ask doctors for questions about the

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