
How Does Golding Present The Savagery In Lord Of The Flies

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Christian Rodriguez Mr. Franks Honors English 9 16 April 2018 Civilization Vs Savagery William Golding book Lord of the Flies is about a group of boys that were stranded on an island after the flight they were on crashed on the island. The group of boys encounter a bunch of conflicts while being stuck on an island. One of the many conflicts they encounter was that there was no adults in the island, the boys needed to survive on their own. The main theme for Golding's book is Civilization Vs Savagery. Golding’s characters Ralph and Jack represent that theme. Ralph is the most civilized and Jack is the savage one. Many things represent Civilization vs Savagery in Lord of the Flies like the conch, the paint on the boys faces, and the fire. “That's what this shell is called. I’ll give the conch to the next person to speak. He can hold it when he’s speaking” (Golding 21). This quote is important to the theme Civilization vs Savagery because the conch represents civilization when Ralph first blows the conch to call all the other boys on the island together. It also represents order and it encourages the boys too have respect and patience for each other. The conch was first introduced when the boys had their first meeting. Throughout the book the conch starts to lose its symbol but for …show more content…

The signal fire can represent both civilization and savagery. It can represent both because at first they made the signal fire so they can attract the attention of rescue ships but when the fire is low of goes out we realize the boys lost hope of being rescued. “I’ve been watching the sea. There hasn’t been the trace of a ship. Perhaps we will never be rescued” (Golding 53). At the end of the book, the fire finally attracts a rescue ship but it wasn’t the signal fire, it is the fire of savagery which was made by Jack and his group of

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