
How Does Global Warming Affect Polar Bears

Decent Essays

Global warming is drastically changing the world’s climate, causing temperatures and sea levels to rise noticeably. Caused by the usage of greenhouse gases, global warming has brought about extensive controversy concerning its causes and even its existence.Although it is an issue of ongoing concern,many make no modifications in their daily lives. Global warming remains a substantial issue for the world's people, animals and the environment; its ill health effects, forced relocations and the killing off of the food sources combine to make it a widespread problem that requires immediate attention and action. Global warming includes many negative effects on the world’s people. Due to the pollution, frequently caused by humans in an essential …show more content…

Polar bears are decreasing in population, swimming conditions are more dangerous,and scarcity of food as an effect of global warming (Global Warming). The sea levels rising is the essential cause to the damaging health of the polar bears. Polar bears are suffering loss of the sea ice due to global warming which is their habitat and the homeland they need to survive (Global Warming). There is a growing list of issues causing damage to polar bears and "in 2008, the polar bear was listed as a threatened species under the Endangered Species Act primarily because of the decline of its primary habitat: sea ice" (Global Warming). An example of the climate change changing the sea levels is "the ice above Greenland alone contains about 23 feet of sea-level rise, which is more than enough to alter the Earth almost beyond recognition"(McKibben). However there is still ice but the"remaining ice is farther from shore, making it less accessible" (Global Warming).The loss of sea ice is causing the loss of polar bears because they are losing their …show more content…

Plants are grown during different seasons and depends on certain weather from those seasons. There are numerous plants and vegetables that need a certain amount of rain and much sunlight. However due to global warming some areas are experiencing drought or too much rainfall destroying the crops. The droughts are causing wildfires,destroying crops and plants. Without crops growing correctly humans and animals will be loosing a part of food source. Plants and crops are affected yearly from the yearly changes in

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