
How Does Fitzgerald Present Love In The Great Gatsby

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In the novel, The Great Gatsby, F. Scott Fitzgerald utilizes Gatsby’s love for Daisy to express the message of to the reader. Love is a very powerful thing not just the word itself but all of the power that it holds in the meaning it doesn’t take much for someone to express to someone else that they love them but it is really shown when one goes above and beyond to make sure that it is clearly identified as actions of love. The author utilized Gatsby’s love for Daisy in a chronological order set up by showing that this man was willing to do anything to prove that he loves her. The author even highlights aspects of the devotion coming from Gatsby’s end while they were separated and he had not one slightest clue of where she even was. Love can sometimes make people do some of the craziest things. So crazy that they could lead to possible …show more content…

We see this demonstrated in the novel. Gatsby’s was willing to give up his whole life for this one individual. He let go of everything that he has ever known and everything that he was taught for completely unstable lifestyle. A valued person in Gatsby’s life just so happen to be Daisy. The sad part about this whole situation was that he was not able to be with her because during this time women were mainly deciding their marriages based on how their potential spouse would set up the rest of their life. This means they really depended how much money their potential spouse. They weren’t really looking for love they were looking for a stable lifestyle. Before he become the great Gatsby, he was not rich at all. Most people during this time actually were born into a wealthy family. This was not the case for Gatsby. Both Daisy and Gatsby were so in love. He wanted a better life so he decided to join

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