
How Does Equal Pay Affect Women's Work?

Decent Essays

A society in which both men and women are given equal opportunities, rights, and outcomes is gender equality. The desire for equal pay has been debated for years however, women’s work continues to be under appreciated. Male dominance is prevalent today and history tells us why. Too often women are payed less than men regardless of education or effort. The assumption that women cannot carry the same roles as men in the workforce creates this pay gap. Women are more likely than men to leave their job during and after pregnancy and because of this they’re less likely to get promoted or keep a job. Power is continuously being taken from women including reproductive rights. Candidates Hilary Clinton and Donald Trump take opposing views on what reproductive rights and women’s equality should look like. Trumps website shows no plans for paid family leave, child …show more content…

However, Hilary Clinton’s website is committed to underlying the issues that women face and stresses its importance, “We need to break down barriers that hold women back” (, 2016). Clinton takes action towards the economic differences by introducing the Paycheck Fairness Act that will provide women the tools needed in order to avoid discrimination in the workforce. Economic Policy Editor, Bryce Covert reports that Clinton’s action to close the pay gap begins with making the jobs that women are underrepresented in, available. These jobs are known as the “higher-paying fields” such as, science, technology, engineering, and jobs related to mathematics. Trump has not proposed any policy on equal pay (Covert, 2016). Charlotte Alter shares Trump’s response about equal pay: “You’re gonna make the same if you do as good a job” (Alter, 2016). This clearly targets women and implies that the pay gap exists because women are not doing as good of a job as men. Reena Flores discusses Trump’s opposition to payed equity in her article we learn that Trump is paying his male employees about a third more than

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