
How Does Emerson Use Of Ways To View The Beauty Of Nature

Decent Essays

In the essay Nature, by Ralph Waldo Emerson, he explains how nature and beauty are one in the same. He claims beauty is in the power of the eye – in the eye of the beholder. He goes on to explain more in points #1, #2, and #3. In point #1 Emerson declares “nature is a simple perception of natural forms of delight.” Emerson goes on to explain the different types of ways to view the beauty of nature. He uses a simile that every working person can connect to. Emerson says, “The body and mind which have been cramped by noxious work and company, nature is medicine.” This claim is made true by how many people often take simple walks after work of school every day, simply to clear their head or “get some air”. Emerson also uses imagery to make the

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