
How Does Edgar Allan Poe Use Personification In The Bells

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“The Bells” is a poem written by Edgar Allan Poe. He wrote this poem in May 1848, soon before his death. We think the poem is about his life, even though the poem states that he didn’t die, he shows that he isn’t having as much fun living because, we know his wife died earlier than him. Poe tried to submit the poem many times. When he later died the poems that were found were given to the public. This poem represents Poe from day he was born, to him getting married, then to the death of his wife, to him dying. This is what we think the poem is about. The first stanza of “The Bells” is literally about Christmas. Poe uses types of onomatopoeia and imagery that suggest that it is Christmas time. An example of imagery is, “Hear the sledges …show more content…

Literally, is about bells sounding bad and annoying. Poe suggest this by using personification and onomatopoeia. An example of personification is, “They can only shriek shriek out of tune.” Which shows that the bells are playing poorly and deafening. Another example of how annoying the bells are is,”How they clang, clash and roar, what a horror of outpour.” Which show that the bells are making many noises that are not pleasant to the ear. The third stanza, we believe figuratively the narrator has grown into a real adult, he is starting to work, he is starting make real decisions, and life is starting to get harder. The poem shows this by using examples of imagery. One example is, “Hear the loud alarum bells” Which shows that they are alerting the person that life beginning to get more difficult. Another example of how his life is starting to get harder is, “How the danger ebbs and flows” Which shows that work and decisions keeps coming in and out and it is non …show more content…

It goes way out of order and it is all mixed up. He also uses the word belles way more than he doesn't he first three stanzas. For example, in the first stanza he uses the word bells ten times. In the second stanza he uses bells thirteen times. In the third stanza he uses bells fifteen times. In the last stanza he uses bells 23 times! That is big difference from the other stanzas. We think the last stanza is literally about how the bells are getting old and not working as well.Poe shows this by using personification. An example that shows the bells are not working as good is, “The throbbing of the bells.” Which shows they are hurt and not working as well. Another example why the bells are not playing is well is, “The moaning and groaning of the bells.” Which shows that the bells are getting tired, and getting weaker so they are not playing as wells. Figuratively, we believe the fourth stanza is about getting old and getting close to dying. The poem shows this by using figurative language. One example in the poem is, “ From the rust inside their throats.” When something rusts it usually shows that something is old. Another example is,”On the human heart a stone.” Which shows that the person is getting weaker because his heart is getting

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