
How Does Cancer Affect My Life?

Decent Essays

Cancer has been a big part of my life, and not in a very good way. I have lost several family members due to the dreadful disease. That includes my father, grandma, my uncle and now my mother has it as well. Numerous trips to doctors’ offices, hospitals and cancer doctor trips as well. I am never sure what the doctors will ever tell my mom when we arrive, it’s kind of like waiting for a nuclear bomb to go off. Cancer has thought me many things in life, that I had to learn very young! My father passed away when I was only four years old, and I lost my grandma the beginning of my eighth grade year. Life has been very difficult without these loved ones. Life never will or never has gone on without them, no matter what. I believe someone will find a cure for cancer, very soon! …show more content…

I wouldn’t do it just because of the money involved, I would do it to save lives! I know what kind of hurt it feels deep down inside when you lose someone to caner, and the pain hurts beyond belief. Curing cancer would not only be a miracle it would be life changing! Like when Neil Armstrong was the first ever man to step foot on to the moon, the cure for cancer would be more than that. Seeing all these several people fighting for their lives in these offices crying, screaming and seeing the pain in those eyes are life changing, all you want to do yourself is cry for them

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