
How Does Batman Use Fear In The Dark Knight

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“The Dark Knight” is one of the best superhero movies produced by Christopher Nolan. Of course all of Nolan’s batman movies deals specifically with human nature - good or evil - this is not an exception. In the movie drug trafficking, political corruption, gang hierarchy, and rivalry, envelops Gotham City and ripped its infrastructure. The creepy, clown faced joker started a reign of terror in Gotham city resulting in mass destruction and the Gotham City tries to fight back with all of its resources. In this movie, the police commissioner, Gordon, and District Attorney, Harvey Dent, together with the superhero Batman as Bruce Wayne are trying to nail down the criminals and mafia gang members, and trying to keep our city free of crimes. Their …show more content…

On the way, he kills all of the people that was working with him to get the money, until no one is left to collect the loot but Joker himself . He showed us a trivial part of human mind - fear - that he successfully inflicted inside the people of Gotham City. The joker states that his goal is to “inject a little chaos,” and explains further: “You know the thing about’s fear. Using fear as a tool of chaos, the Joker forces people into decisions. For example, at the end of the movie, there were two boats headed out of Gotham City. One was filled with criminals, and the other was filled with innocent civilians. He tells both boats that the boats are filled with bombs and each bomb has a detonator. He continues on by saying that the one ship has the detonator to the other ship and vice versa. He uses the threat that he will blow up both ships by midnight, unless one ship chooses to blow up the other one first.It is the ordinary citizens who must take the lead in combating terrorism, not any vigilante. This questions the morality and humanity of the people of Gotham City.According to Rousseau, the famous anthropologist, humankind is naturally

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