
How Does Atticus Change In To Kill A Mockingbird

Decent Essays

In the story to kill a mockingbird written by Harper Lee . The author tells a story about what is going on in Maycomb County .The story is from the view of children .The children talk about their many wonders of the town . For example, why Boo Radley never comes out of his house . In addition to Boo they change topics when their father takes on a court case that's not in his favor. We can see that there are some unfair events that take place in the story . Most of the events that happened in the book are realistic to what goes on in society . In the story we see that people get treated differently for many different reasons. We see that women , colored people and the poor have gotten treated differently. Atticus takes a case where a black guy is accused of raping a white girl. For that time this was considered a closed case.However they go to court and try to defend him. As a result of the case we find out that the black man was the victim but sadly he was guilty . …show more content…

In the story Atticus makes the case clear as day to the jury. He shows that the girl's story is unclear and also explains why her father could have committed the crime . The story tells about this poor family and how the kids are treated differently. For example the kids only go to school on the first day, unlike the other kids who attend the whole year.This isn't fair to the poor kids because while the students are learning trying to better their future the poor ones are worrying about what they would like to eat.Now we have food shelters to help the families that can’t afford food so it’s not often when a kid has to drop out of school to

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