
Examples Of Pathos In Brutus Speech

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During the funeral scene, Brutus and Marc Antony included pathos in their speeches to evoke pity and sadness for the people of Rome. Brutus applies some examples of pathos throughout his speech. In lines 23 -25 Brutus says, “I weep for him. As he was valiant, I honor him.” This quote implies that Brutus did not kill Caesar out of hate. It demonstrated to the crowd that Brutus really did love Caesar. Brutus also said “there is tears for his love,” meaning that he is sad that Caesar is gone. While Brutus included some pathos in his speech, Antony’s entire speech appealed to emotion. Antony used pathos to find a connection with the audience. In his speech, he says “My heart is there in the coffin with Caesar.” This showed the crowd that Antony …show more content…

Brutus gave a more formal speech which appealed to reasoning. In his speech, he repeated constantly that Caesar had too much ambition. Brutus informed the crowd the main reason for killing Caesar. In ACT III, scene II, lines 20 to 21, Brutus announces, “It’s not that I loved Caesar less, but that I loved Rome more.” This quote helped the crowd clarify another reason behind Caesar another reason behind Caesar’s death. His words also made the Romans feel cared about. Therefore, not only did Brutus defend himself, but he also showed the Romans that he is a good leader. Although Brutus had a few negative views toward Caesar, he did add some positive comments about Caesar. In Act III, scene II, line 25, Brutus said that he “honored him for being brave.” His reasoning for adding this comment was to show the crowd that he respected Caesar. Whereas Brutus’s speech appealed to reasoning, Antony’s speech appealed to emotion. Overall, Antony’s speech was sad. In Act 3, Scene 2, line 83, Antony said, “He was my friend, he was faithful.” This shows the crowd how much much Antony trusted Caesar. Throughout his speech he spoke highly of Caesar. In Act 3, scene 2, lines 86 to 87, Antony said “[Caesar] brought many captives home to Rome whose ransoms brought wealth to the city.” Antony follows that with asking, “Is that the work of an ambitious man.” Antony gave the audience a reason for being on his side. He

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