
How Does Antony Use Body Language In Julius Caesar

Decent Essays

In the above passage Antony is speaking through his servant to Brutus, shortly after the conspirators kill Caesar. “[B]eing-prostrate” sets the tone for the message that Antony has sent for him to tell Brutus. Meaning it shows that Antony is coming in peace and in respect for Brutus. The body language of the servant is very important because Brutus is not aware of the emotions or feelings of Antony. In line 139, Antony also told the servant to “fall down” and the servant mentioned his instructions from him. Being that this was a play, body language is very important to note because it would elaborate emotion for the audience. Also, for the readers of the play “being-prostrate” is reiterated so that it is clear that Antony speaks only in adoration not in anger or disrespect towards Brutus. Antony goes to this extent because he knows that the conspirators are thinking about killing him. …show more content…

But in lines 143 Antony uses two verbs to describe Brutus while in line 144 there are three verbs for Caesar. Even though it is a small detail, it shows that Antony still praises Caesar and is still loyal to him. It could be disputed that because Antony used “feared” to describe his relationship with Caesar that it was a negative adjective, meaning that he respects Brutus more. But, from Caesars perspective that would have been a positive adjective because it would show his power and influence over Antony. “[H]onor” in line 143 has been used in multiple ways after this passage. Antony uses it as a form of persuasion in his speech to prove he is on Brutus' side, but at the same time it was used by Antony to betray Brutus and get the Plebeians against him and the

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