
How Does Anthropogenic Noise Affect Cetaceans

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Introduction As human presence in the oceans is continually revealed to be detrimental to marine life, one major area of concern is noise pollution in the ocean and its effects on marine mammals. Sound is vital to marine mammals’ communication and livelihood, so the disturbance of the sound in their habitat has varying effects. The impact of anthropogenic noise on marine mammals, specifically cetaceans, can be seen in various experiments and observations concerning the sounds produced by shipping, construction, and sonars. All of which reveal potential and consequential behavioral and physiological effects, which include acoustic masking, change in foraging behavior, and mass strandings. Species studied include harbor porpoises (Phocoena phocoena), …show more content…

It is important that we continue to research known harmful anthropogenic sounds and their effects on cetaceans to limit further damage, and to research other sources of noise due to humans and their potential effects to prevent future harm. Through research, it is shown that various noise pollution caused by humans can have detrimental effects on cetaceans such as harbor porpoises, bottlenose dolphins, killer whales, and Cuvier’s beaked whales. Shipping, windfarm construction, and sonar can cause temporary or permanent hearing threshold changes, which can result in decreased foraging ability and communication ability. Shipping has been seen to decrease foraging time and cause acoustic masking. Sonar can cause death due to strandings and lesions. These all add up to show that, overall, noise pollution by humans has a serious effect on the quality of life for cetaceans. It is also important to recognize that absence of a detected reaction does not mean that there is no impact on these cetaceans. It is possible that noise pollution can cause physiological and psychological responses without any external symptoms we can detect. It may be important to develop methods to observe these more subtle reactions to noise pollution that may impact cetacean’s way of life. It is important that humans realize the full extent of their effect on marine life and create measures to prevent more harm. Noise pollution’s effect on cetaceans affect not only these species, but the other marine life they interact with and the ecosystems of the

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