
How Does Anglo Saxons Idealized In Beowulf

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Beowulf is a distinctive and powerful work of literature that has withstood time. Its rich language yet simple plot carries a story that all can hear. The author’s use of heroic traits, supernatural beings and events, and its unique use of kennings display a story for the ages.
As Beowulf storms across the ocean, the reader learns that he possesses the ideal character traits Anglo-Saxons idealized. Beowulf sets sail to offer help to Hrothgar. Beowulf is very strong, courageous, and has a great sense of duty, traits an epic hero possesses. In lines 110-110, the text states “... strongest of the Geats—greater and stronger than anyone anywhere in this world—” Beowulf feels that it is his sense of duty and loyalty to help which also be used

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