
How Does Alcohol Affect Teenagers

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What harm does drinking alcohol have on teenagers? When people drink alcohol it can affect the memory, slow coordination skills, change your mood and it can cause you to do things you wouldn’t do when you’re sober. If you’re a teenager your brain and body isn’t fully developed and alcohol will have a far worse affect. An example of the mood is that you might be walking on the street and see someone and start a fight. You become over confident and you think you can do things that are highly unlikely. What happens if you drink at an early age? Some adults and teenagers drink because of depression. Makes them feel happier for a while then a major downfall. Some people commit suicide from severe depression. Every year approximately 5000 teenagers are killed due to alcohol related incidents. Teenagers can develop a drinking problem which will affect family, relationships and finding and keeping a job. Most people that drink at an early age are more likely to take minor drugs then move onto …show more content…

Every year over 690, 000 students that are in university or college get assaulted by other student that have been drinking. What happens if they do not have access to alcohol? Two out of three teenagers say it is easy to get alcohol. If you are not of 18 years of age then alcohol is illegal. Most teenagers cannot afford alcohol so they will find other ways to get it. Stealing money from parents is one way and with the money they have they will pay an older friend or an XXXXX. Alcohol is available at some parties and some parents are the supplier of it. Because alcohol is illegal and they might not have access to it then they might do something illegal like rob someone on the street or steal from shops. Teenagers that steal alcohol say that “if I could buy I would but we can’t so we steal it”. Why is alcohol illegal until you are 18 years

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