
How Does A Rose For Emily Affect Society

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Emily lived under her neighbors’ microscope. Living in such a small town as she did, it affected how society viewed her, how they reacted toward her activities, and differed from others because of her social class. However, although Emily was knowledgeable about her onlookers, she lacked concern for her illegal and immoral actions because her wealth and status always paid the price for them.
In A Rose for Emily, it is well known that Emily possessed a high name because of her family. The neighbors were always waiting for Emily’s appearance to see what was next for her to do. Although they spoke down about her amongst each other, it never affected her character or the pedestal she was placed on. This was because they had become so accustomed to praising her family, there was nothing she could do that would take away her overall greatness. …show more content…

They didn’t think she was crazy when she kept her dead father propped up at the dinner table for three days until he was forcedly removed. They accepted it saying that she had to do it because he was all she had left. Additionally, when the horrible scent came from her house, the allegations were directed straight to Toby, whom must’ve been killing an animal. It was suddenly nobody’s business that she was given a dangerous poison, and now time after, there is a stench of something decaying from her house. Rather than discovering the truth behind it, they covered up the scent instead. Thus, Emily took advantage of her privilege knowing that the society that spoiled her would never investigate her thoroughly, taking pity for the recent death of her

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